Tuesday, September 12, 2006


What a breath of fresh air!

No rememberance; no mourning; no moneyshots; no holes; no politicking.

The date in Lima reads 11/9, and in that reversal of month and day, perspective is restored. I do not mark this black holiday, the same way I do not mark the day my father passed away.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


What do you mean when you say "mark"? I don't sense that you're advocating conscious amnesia. But, if not forgetting and not marking, then what? Is everything about 9/11 "black"?

What "is" 9/11 and what is it "not"?

To me, 9/11 is not a singular event; born long before 2001, it continues to live, breathe, and infiltrate our thoughts, policies, and culture. Just like your father; he has passed away, and yet, in many ways, he lives on as long as you're still kicking.

You touch upon the question of memory, especially the way we remember painful and, sometimes, shameful events.

It is interesting that you're also reading The Tin Drum, which is saturated with post-War German collective memory and guilt.

I would like to hear more of your thoughts.


5:10 PM  

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