Friday, July 21, 2006

San Grabriel

There it is, the community of San Gabriel in Carabayllo.


Blogger Carlos said...


Thanks for commenting... definately an incentive to write more.

We are working with about 50 kids in from the neighboring communities of San Gabriel and 28 de Julio.

I'm trying to develop a curriculum that will help each child improve their mathematical and verbal reasoning skills. In addition, I want to touch upon health issues that are crucial to each child's ability to succeed in the classroom. More specifics on this a bit later.

So far the other volunteers in Lima are working on more clinically related projects. Some are working on finding cheaper and effective screening methods for TB, others are working on data collection, etc.

Lima is situated on clifs above the pacific... can't be more than 500 feet above sea level. So the coughing is not due to elevation. It's either the massive smog, the humid weather, or TB.



10:45 PM  
Blogger Carlos said...


Supplies we do have. Organization we are lacking. Keep reading and see what we end up doing.

Do you have experience creating curricula?



1:03 PM  

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